Thursday, January 2, 2014

Just Another Post

Looks like that time again.. time to blog! Over the last few days I definitely have become obsessed with this whole idea of blogging. Blogging about what inspires you, what makes you happy, what you love, the life that you live and so much more. As I was on the blogging hunt on who to follow, I came across one of my friends blogs with this quote on it.

"Your years in college are going to be some of the best years of your life, so why not document it?"

I loved it! And it made me realize that this would definitely be a great topic to focus on in my blog. Everyone has different experiences in college. Some are the best times of their life, others, their worst. But when you look back to those times in college, it definitely has shaped you into the person you are now. As a freshman going through my first year in college I want to remember everything. So again, why not document it?!

I am definitely excited to explore and grow as I continue my journey in college. I am excited to grow in my faith, grow in relationships, and to grow as a person. Look forward to other posts about my life, my inspirations and of course my adventures. Blessings to all.


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