Monday, January 6, 2014

2014. The Beginning of Something Beautiful

As I sit here watching the Auburn vs. Florida football game trying to kill time until the Bachelor is on.  With a cup of coffee in my hand, (don't worry its decaf- hopefully i'll sleep tonight), and my sleepy puppy laying by my side, I couldn't help but right another blog- Just trying to catch up on the loss days. 

While watching the football game, I started to think about New Years Resolutions, thinking about the ones I had for the year of 2014. For this year, I wanted my resolutions to be different from the past years. I feel like people always create them on December 31 and by January 1 they already break half of them. Am I right!? I was one of them. I would simple forget about the list I had created but I new that this year I would do something different. And I did. As I was making the list I wanted to make the simpler and easier to achieve. For instance, I was NOT going to put "lose 40 pounds" because I knew I wouldn't accomplish that. So I thought about it and what I wanted for me and my life this year.  

New Years Resolutions 2014

  1. be happier with your life
  2. smile more
  3. read the bible daily
  4. love
  5. grow deeper in your faith
  6. be adventurous 
  7. be healthy
  8. have fun, you're only young once
  9. laugh on the daily
  10. be in the moment not on your phone

I hope my list inspired you to make a sensible resolution list for 2o14 that you can accomplish. I would love to hear whats on your list! Please share. Blessings to all. 


1 comment:

  1. I love simple New Years resolutions like this, something that is achievable (to not make us discouraged) while also improving our self being. Smile more is such a perfect one! And I was totally watching the same football game until The Bachelor. Great minds think alike ;)
    xo TJ
