Friday, January 3, 2014


We are three days into 2014. Thinking about this scares me a little, I'm not going to lie. But with a new year comes new goals, new things you want to accomplish, and new ideas. One goal that I want to accomplish this year in 2014 is to.. RELAX. 

I am the queen of worrying & stress. I want to work on trying to relax and enjoy what's around me. I want to be able to appreciate the life I have. However, for me. It's hard to do that when school, work, family, relationships, and money are always on my mind. I think everyone can relate one way or another with me. We all tend to stress out some point in our lives. Stress=not good. So I want to relax more. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish this! Sooo.. Take a deep breathe and just simply enjoy what you have, who you are, the things & people around you. 




  1. I need to print out that picture! So perfect to remember :)
    xo TJ

    1. Right?! Such a great daily reminder.

      xo- Lexie
